During the month of April 2024, advertising investment has reached 481.6 million euros, growing 10.2% compared to the equivalent period of the previous year when the registered volume was 437.2 million euros. As a reminder, it should be noted that the data in this press release includes those media and supports not directly controlled by InfoAdex based on declared/estimated data from the advertising market. Therefore, the data presented here may not coincide with those extracted from the tools that InfoAdex makes available to users of its information. The media most affected by this measure are Radio, Outdoor and Digital, the latter due to the inclusion of data from Search and Social Networks.
Digital, which occupies the first position by volume of advertising investment during the month of April 2024, has experienced a growth of 7.9% compared to the month of April 2023, obtaining 232.1 million euros. Within Digital, the best performance this month is for Social Networks, which increases its investment figure by 11.2%, reaching 68.9 million euros. Websites, grows 9.3% with an investment of 96.3 million euros compared to the 88.1 million it obtained in the same period of 2023. Finally, within the media included in digital, Search increases by 2.9%, going from 65.1 million euros in the month of April 2023 to 66.9 million in the month analyzed.
The second medium by investment is Television, which concentrates an advertising investment of 145.1 million euros, with a notable growth of 11.1% compared to the 130.6 million euros in the same period of 2023. Radio, which occupies third place by investment, stands at 42.4 million and a growth of 22.9%, above the fourth medium, Outdoor, whose figure rises to 28.3 million euros in the fourth month of the year. and registers an increase of 17.6% over the figure corresponding to the previous year. The newspaper Diarios y Dominicales, presents a growth in its investment of 1.6%, reaching 20.4 million euros. Magazines, sixth medium by investment volume, increased their figure by 2.8% and 11.9 million euros. Lastly, the Cinema medium registers 1.4 million euros during the month of April 2024, increasing its investment by 10.5%.